What a Way to End 2016:
DesignMySoap.com on Reply All Podcast!
Our brand-new website for creating your own custom bar soap—DesignMySoap.com—was recently featured unexpectedly on the Reply All podcast. You can check out the embedded podcast below. (We are mentioned at 43:00.)
We would like to thank Susan for her kind words—she is much too kind to us! We are also extremely grateful for the outpouring of support from all over the country (and even the world!) that has come as a result of the podcast. We've heard from Hawaii to Alaska, from Canada to the UK, Australia, and parts in between. People have sent wonderful, heartwarming emails in support of our mission, getting us even more excited to make DesignMySoap.com the best it can be and to improve our visitors' experience in the process!
Anthony measuring out essential oils for customized soaps
Over the past few days, we've been making a lot of soaps, and our creative customers have opened up our soapmaking in unexpected ways, by making unique scent and add-in combinations that we hadn't yet considered. We've also seen such interesting label names! (Hopefully, we can share some soon—we just want to make sure we have our customers' permission first.) We feel like we get to know each customer by making, wrapping, and labeling their soaps and then sending them out into the world (wishing the soaps good luck, of course!)
Trays all neatly set up for making custom soaps!
Mohammed M. and Mohammed A. carefully double-checking the measurements for each soap design to ensure quality and accuracy
Finally, we just wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone who has contacted us and to everyone who has designed their own soaps. Please check back here for a more thorough thank you in the near future. :-)
UPDATE 01/23/2017:We've created an update video! Check it out here:
P.S. As another side result, we are now addicted to podcasts! We've been listening to podcasts (including our new favorite, Reply All!) while wrapping soaps and packaging orders—and we've already learned a lot. If you haven't yet taken a dive into the world of podcasts, we highly recommend it.